Victory, the ninth in a row and still unbeaten for College, which stops Gimini Torino 86 to 79 in a fluctuating challenge. Ample space for everyone and double-digits for Piscetta, Giustina, Loro, Okeke and Attademo. Launch of the collegiali who start with a 6 to 0 break. Ginnastica immediately closes the margin, but College presses on the accelerator again, rounding the Turin players at 14 to 7 and forcing them to timeout. The guests try to recover brio, but Airaghi and his teammates defend aggressively, closing the first quarter ahead 20 to 10. College stretches at the beginning and seems to be able to close it: the biancoblu touch the +16, but in the final of the first half Ginnastica’s response arrives, with the gap closed to – 11. In the second half the biancoblu, once again, seem to be able to give the decisive paw in the match, but Ginnastica is stubborn in resisting and slowly starting the comeback. The guests come even closer to -3, but College manages to find a couple of steals that set the score at 86 to 79 final.


(20-10; 47-36; 60-49)

College: Manto 7, Piscetta 10, Mauri 3, Giustina 10, Loro 11, Okeke 16, Boglio 5, Attademo 12, Airaghi 4, Ghigo 8, Lanza NE, Jasarevic NE.